Advance Products & Systems, LLC, founded in 1978, is a leading manufacturer and distributor of water & wastewater, oil & gas, industrial & mechanical, and chemical pipeline products. Our products are manufactured for these industries to prevent and protect against unwanted corrosion. APS also offers quality safety products manufactured to meet customers’ needs to protect personnel, equipment, and the environment.
Casing Spacer End Seal Innerlynx® Modular Seal Bore Spacer
VERSATILITY – With a wide variety of sizes available, UBolt-Cote can be applied to all makes and sizes of U-Bolts. PROTECTION – A rugged and durable covering eliminates metal to metal contact. RELIABILITY – UBolt-Cote provides high abrasive and corrosive resistance through a continuous sheath which eliminates fraying and unraveling. UBolt-Cote is virtually unaffected by heat, ultraviolet rays, vibration, electrolysis, sandblasting or any other rigors conducive to an industrial and marine environment. EASE OF INSTALLATION – The UBolt-Cote size has been considered to accommodate the coating thickness assuring a secure fit over the pipe.
IsoJoint® provides for current control by separating pipe work into distinct zones and effectively eliminating long-line currents. This assures increased plant and equipment life by reducing or eliminating corrosion damage.
APS Indicote Leak Indication paint is a golden yellow latex-based paint that instantaneously changes color through contact with liquids or vapors for immediate visual indication of leaks that are often too small to trigger an indication with conventional detection devices.
APS manufactures full, molded, conical end seals with easy to read size indicators for versatile installation on a variety of carrier sizes. Each size can cover a range of carriers.
Foreman Nite Caps outperform inefficient caps, sacks, sheet iron plates and canvas covers, and are reusable indefinitely. Replacement parts such as gaskets and other components are available
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