Available in PPSC Stock 2 inch through 24 inch ANSI 600. OEM Viton O-Ring Seals also in stock.

The D-2000 quick opening closure features an easy-to-operate clamp ring that can be opened or closed quickly by a single operator. Available in both horizontal and vertical configurations, the D-2000 quick opening pipeline closure design allows operators to be safely positioned to the side of the closure during opening or closing.’

The D-2000 quick opening closure is customizable to specific design codes, pressure ratings, material requirements, and installation conditions.

Best used for: pipeline pig traps, filters, strainers, scrubbers, heat exchangers, blowdowns, and other vessels

Key features:

  • Easily operated by one person in less time than other closures.
  • Ring provides positive sealing and protection from damage by tools, pigs, or debris.
  • Pressure warning lock alerts operator that pressure exists prior to opening the closure.


  • How long will it take my operator to open or close the closure? The D-2000 quick opening closure can be opened or closed by a single operator in less than 1 minute.
  • Does the D-2000 quick opening closure meet American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) codes? Yes. Closures can be designed to meet pressure piping code (B31.3/B31.4/B31.8) or pressure vessel code (ASME Sec. VIII-1).